Nirmali has covered more than 1 lakh kms on her motorcycle. She has ridden across India, Nepal, Bhutan and has done backpacking at Sri Lanka & Thailand. Her best ride till date was from Guwahati to Ladakh covering 8000km and 14 states in 2016. She has also completed three months Indian Coastal Ride covering 17000km in 2018 and four months Ride to cover the passes of Himalayas from North to East “Tour de Himalayas” in 2019.

Nirmali has covered four corners of India; Siachen base camp, Kibithoo/Kaho, Kanyakumari and Koteshwar. She has also ridden to Sach pass, Shinkula pass, Spiti and Arunachal Pradesh is among my favorite rides. Her dream is to travel around the world on her bike. She has always believed that she was not born for one corner. She always wanted to travel but she never knew about her path. It took her 16 years to finally be the person she always wanted to become- a free, empowered and a boundless soul. From a person who thought it was herself against the world, it took a whole lot if experiences, good and bad, to bring in a shift wherein I now believe it have always been myself against myself. It’s my fear and the limits that I have to conquer. It has been quite a journey since the day she bought her first motorcyle and it did change her life. She saved and saved, step by step, to settle down and do what she always wanted to do, intense but rewarding.

Nirmali and her machine, both have seen some really tough terrains of life. She learnt how to deal with diverse situations and decided to live the life she always wanted to. She feels, this is not the beginning of the end, but it’s just a beginning to another journey ahead and this is the commencement of her new journey, her rejuvenation.