Vanessa started riding at the age of nine on a worker’s bike at home, which was Honda CD deluxe. She owned an RX150 and RD350 back then.  She always wanted to get a bike of her own. She turned 18 and purchased a Thunderbird 350 and started exploring on it. With a handful of friends who encouraged her to get into racing,  she bagged a podium for the first time at a dirt race event. Winning a few races also included bagging podiums at the Rider mania, which is a paradise for Enfield lovers. She was so enthusiastic to go on her first long journey that she reached within 5 hours from Pune to God finishing 1st in Trails and 3rd in Dirt race 500 cc class,Machines amuse her and, she could spend hours at workshops learning things and absorbing the vibe. She looks forward to not just race but explore and tour as well.